Coral Studies
Measurement of bulk oxygen, pH and temperature in water tanks and of highly resolved gradients of oxygen and temperature above coral surfaces can be measured in situ and in the lab under controlled temperature and light conditions by using optical sensors from PyroScience. Some applications of our optical sensors and microprofiling set-ups in such studies are:
- Measurement of oxygen fluxes in illuminated and dark-incubated fragments of hermatypic (reef-building) corals with photosynthetic endosymbionts (zooxanthellae)
- Monitoring of oxygen and temperature in flow-chamber setups or aquaria with fragments of e.g. stony corals
- Closed incubations of e.g. plating coral species for photosynthesis and respiration measurements by oxygen-respirometry
- Determination of the effect of environmental parameters (e.g. temperature) and climate change on metabolism of e.g. scleractinian, branching stony corals in experimental tanks
- Microprofiling above surfaces of hard corals to reveal gradients of oxygen and temperature and calculate oxygen fluxes
- Investigation of coral photoacclimation and effects of light stress
- Study of coral photobiology with incubation system to monitor the physiological response of isolated and cultured microalgal endosymbionts, i.e. dinoflagellates belonging to the genus Symbiodinium
- Monitoring dynamic diurnal changes in oxygen, pH and temperature on coral reefs in situ
Contactless oxygen sensors from PyroScience feature non-invasive measurements in transparent vessels with contactless read-out from the outside through the vessel wall, thereby reducing the risk of leakage. They comprise sensor spots for oxygen, pH and temperature for fixation in vessels and closed chamber incubations. Fiber-optic retractable micro- and minisensors feature ultra-fast response times and high spatial resolution, specially suited for microprofiling above coral surfaces. All oxygen sensors from PyroScience can be read-out with our multi-channel PC-operated FireSting-O2, multi-analyte meter FireSting-PRO (also in combination with our optical pH sensors), or stand-alone with our pocket oxygen meter FireSting-GO2. For read-out of sensor spots through thick-walled chambers or bulk measurements with oxygen dipping probes (OPROB3), the ultra-compact USB-device PICO2 is available. For underwater measurements at in situ conditions, we now offer also an underwater logger AquapHOx in combination with a broad range of underwater sensors (with -SUB connector) like miniprobes for O2 and pH, minisensors for oxygen and temperature and microsensors for oxygen.
Applicable Sensor Types and Products
- Incubations with optical oxygen, pH, temperature sensor spots (OXSP5, PHSP5, TPSP5) in closed chambers with accessories for contactless read-out
- Retractable and Fixed Microsensors with optical isolation (OXR50-OI, OXF50-OI)
- Retractable and Fixed Minisensors with optical isolation (OXR430-OI, OXF1100-OI)
- Robust O2 Dipping Probe (OXROB3) with PICO-O2
- Microprofiling set-up (MU1, MM33, MUX2, HS1, LS1)
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