Microsensors are an important tool in an ever-growing diversity of research fields. Because microsensors need precise positioning down to ca. 10 µm spatial resolution, microprofiling setups became the standard choice for many microsensor applications. Such setups have been successfully applied in:
- biogeochemistry (e.g. marine and freshwater sediments)
- biofilms (e.g. marine phototrophic biofilms)
- microbial mats (e.g. hypersaline cyanobacterial mats)
- microbial communities in extreme environments (hot springs)
- insect physiology (e.g. termite gut physiology)
- plant physiology (e.g. oxygen transport in eelgrass roots)
PyroScience offers microprofiling setups for varying scientific demands. Basic setups are manually operated consisting of e.g. Heavy Stand HS1, Micromanipulator MM33, and the FireSting. The advanced setups are controlled by the microprofiling software Profix running on a Windows PC, which operates a motorized micromanipulator (e.g. MU1 with motorized z-axis, MUX2 with motorized z- and x-axis) and reads in data from up to two microsensor modules. Such systems allow complex automized microprofiling applications (e.g. microprofiling at defined time intervals, or automatic transects). Other advanced features are: automatic µM calculation for oxygen microsensors, interactive flux calculations on measured profiles, input file generation for the microprofile analysis program PROFILE from Peter Berg.
Possible Setup Configurations
The simplest and most economic setup is based on the manual micromanipulator MM33, which is generally sufficiant for measuring a few microprofiles by moving a micrometer screw stepwise manually. If you need to measure many microprofiles, you should consider the automized setups based on the motorized micromanipulators MU1 or MUX2 in combination with the control software Profix for Windows 7/8/10.
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