Analyzing Dissolved Oxygen in Cerebrospinal Fluid
University of Ulm, Germany
Involved scientists: Paula Fortes Ph.D., Martina Merk
A four-channel FireSting-O2 (FSO2-4) sensor system coupled with retractable needle-type oxygen sensors (OXR50) is currently applied for the quantification of the dissolved oxygen concentration in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) samples after collection from patients. The rapid response time of the sensor and its versatility facilitates continuous evaluation of the changes in oxygen concentration (i.e., equilibration of the CSF samples with the ambient environment) and temperature variation after collection of the CSF samples from the patient until analysis in the clinical laboratory (i.e., over a period of several hours). The analysis of the CSF together with additional parameters obtained e.g., via blood analysis are currently investigated as a potential strategy for supporting the physiology and diagnosis of neurological disorders and diseases such as e.g., acute or chronic inflammation of the nervous system.
This study is part of a collaborative project between Prof. Boris Mizaikoff (Institute of Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry) and Prof. Markus Otto (Department of Neurology) at the University of Ulm. For further information, please contact boris.mizaikoff(at) and markus.otto(at)